JIKO (Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Orthopedi) is the Scientific Journal of Health Sciences at the Fatmawati Academy of Nursing Jakarta, which will publish the research results of lecturers in the field of health science and health information. This scientific journal is published twice a year every January and July. Editors also accept writings from other health colleges.
Table of Contents
Factors Associated with Cataract Occurrence at the Eye Polyclinic of FMC Hospital Bogor in 2019
DOI : 10.46749/jiko.v6i1.78
| Abstract views : 162 times
1 - 8
9 -15
16 - 21
The Problems Affecting the Implementation of Posyandu Program: A Literature Review
DOI : 10.46749/jiko.v6i1.74
| Abstract views : 658 times
22 -28
29 -36